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COVID, Flu and RSV 2023-2024

Rev. 3.08.24

Below please find important information on common respiratory viruses including Influenza (Flu), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and COVID-19 to help you make the best health decisions for your family. 

Flu virus usually presents with the following symptoms; a sudden fever, chills, headache, fatigue, sore throat, dry cough and/or a nasal congestion. While symptoms are similar to a common cold, children with the flu usually have a higher fever and more severe symptoms. If your child experiences flu symptoms, it is advised that you consult their pediatrician. Testing is recommended as antiviral therapies are effective and readily available.

RSV is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms such as fever, congestion, cough and sneezing.  Symptoms may be more severe in young children and the elderly. With RSV, children can become sick very quickly. If you notice a rapid increase in the severity of symptoms and/or changes in breathing, call your child’s pediatrician immediately or go directly to the emergency room. Routine testing is often not recommended, as symptoms are generally mild and effective antiviral therapy is not readily available in the community setting

COVID-19 symptoms include sudden loss of taste or smell, cough, headache, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and sore throat.  Routine home testing is recommended for individuals who are at high risk of complications and have access to effective antiviral therapy. 

All executive orders and binding state guidance as it pertains to COVID-19 are no longer in effect. The CDC has recently updated its COVID-19 isolation guidance (3.2024) to reflect improvements in patient outcomes with existing effective treatments and vaccines CDC Guidance. After testing positive for COVID-19, individuals may return to normal activities including school and work when the following are both true for 24 hours:
1. Symptoms are getting better overall and
2. No fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.
We anticipate updated infection prevention and control guidance for schools prior to the start of the 2024-2025.
Preventative Measures
In order to promote the health and safety of our school community, we continue to employ the following preventative measures against the spread of respiratory illness: 
  • Disinfecting practices including the routine cleaning of ‘high touch point’ surfaces at school and home, including phones, keyboards, doorknobs and common areas/items

  • Hygiene strategies including the practice of covering mouth and nose with a tissue, sneezing into a sleeve and performing frequent handwashing

  • Recommendations include consulting your health care providers regarding influenza vaccine and COVID-19 boosters and keeping your child home if they are sick. Individuals diagnosed with FLU, RSV or COVID-19 may return when fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and feel well enough to return. 

To assist our efforts in providing a healthy learning environment, we ask that parents continue to inform their school nurse if their child tests positive for any communicable illness including flu, strep, COVID-19, norovirus and RSV.

Helpful Links: