Special Education
Dear Families,
Welcome to the Special Education and Student Services (SESS) District resource page. Here, you will find (1) Contact information for District and building-based staff, (2) District resources, including information about the referral process (3) Select District presentations to the Board of Education and community, and (4) Relevant State and Federal resources.
The Darien Public Schools SESS Department is committed to providing exemplary services and programs through a comprehensive continuum of services. We believe that special education is not a place where children go; rather, it is the provision of services, programs, and support for students with learning differences that provides access to the curriculum and learning experiences, including nonacademic and extracurricular activities, through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that addresses the students’ individual needs.
The Darien Public Schools SESS Department works collaboratively with students, staff, parents, community members, local and State agencies, and several specialized experts to ensure the continuum of services and programs are of the highest standard and founded in research-based practices, to meet the students’ social, emotional, academic and physical needs.
We welcome you to explore the resources available on this site and encourage you to contact any member of our District or building-based teams to learn more about our programs and services.