Personal Mobile Device Plan PK-8
Personal Mobile Device Plan Guidelines PK-8
Research underscores the substantial impact of personal mobile devices (namely cell phones and Smartwatches) on student attention within the classroom environment. Moreover, these devices have been shown to significantly influence the social, emotional, and mental health/wellness of our youth. In response, a District Personal Mobile Device Plan was developed with guidelines to cultivate a safe and focused learning atmosphere, free from distractions. The following guidelines aim to promote a safe and distraction-free learning environment that supports the right to privacy for all students and staff.
School Day Guidelines:
The use of personal mobile devices by Elementary and Middle school students (PK-8) is prohibited. At the elementary schools, if families elect to allow their child to carry a personal mobile device for an identified purpose, the device must remain powered off, silenced and stored in the child's backpack (elementary) throughout the school day, including while riding the bus. At MMS, if families elect to allow their child to carry a personal mobile device for an identified purpose, the device must remain powered off, silenced and be stored in the locker throughout the school day. Any device that is not powered off, silenced and stored away will be confiscated; parents will be required to pick up any confiscated personal mobile devices at the end of the school day. Darien Public Schools is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal belongings brought to school.
Field Trips/School-Sponsored Activities Guidelines:
Personal mobile devices are never required for field trips or school-sponsored activities. The use of personal mobile devices for field trips by Elementary and Middle school students is prohibited. Any device that is not powered off, silenced and stored away will be confiscated; parents will be required to pick up any confiscated personal mobile devices at the end of the field trip/school-sponsored activity or school day. The use of personal mobile devices for certain Middle school field trips may be permitted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the administration and teacher leaders. A decision on the protocol for those trips will be communicated prior to the event and included as information on a permission slip. Expectations for use of those devices, if permitted, will align with appropriate use of district technology resources and related Board policy.
Some personal mobile devices are used to monitor a student’s health, such as insulin levels or blood pressure. Students using a device for a clearly defined medical purpose must have this accounted for within a student medical accommodation plan, which will require notification from a health care provider. Use of that device must be exclusively for that described medical purpose.
Any other approved exemptions to these guidelines will be handled when requested on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the building principal, family, and related instructional staff.
Darien Public Schools reserves the right to amend these guidelines as necessary to adapt to evolving technologies and educational needs.
Darien Public Schools
Personal Mobile Device Plan Guidelines 2024-2025
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
1) Why are personal mobile devices not allowed during school hours for students?
Research underscores the substantial impact of personal mobile devices (namely cell phones and Smartwatches), which utilize applications that significantly distract students from the learning and social connection that are fundamental to their education. Moreover, these devices have been shown to significantly influence the social, emotional, and mental health/wellness of our youth. In response, a PK-8 District Personal Mobile Device Plan was developed with guidelines to cultivate a safe and focused learning atmosphere, free from distractions.
2) When will the mobile device guidelines be in place?
The start of the 2024-2025 school year. We will communicate and discuss these practices with students and staff during the first three days of school (August 28-30). Full implementation will start on Tuesday, September 3rd.
3) What happens if a student is observed with their personal mobile device during school hours?
In MMS, a student observed with a personal mobile device will be directed to hand over the device to the teacher. At the first available opportunity, the teacher will pass along the device to the main office for safe storage and contact the grade level administrator, who will reach out to the family to arrange pick up of the device at the school in the main office after school hours. Additional consequences in alignment with our behavior policy may be applied, if necessary.
If a personal mobile device is observed in an elementary child’s possession during the school day, the elementary school teacher will redirect the child to ensure the device is off and returned to their backpack or locker. Depending on the intent or level of distraction, the device may be sent to the front office, where a guardian will need to pick it up.
4) What types of devices are considered personal mobile devices under these guidelines?
Personal mobile devices include any electronic devices that allow digital communication, location tracking, or provide entertainment through multimedia. Examples include Smartwatches, tags, rings, cell phones, non-school-issued laptops, tablets, e-readers, portable gaming systems, and augmented and virtual reality headsets.
5) Are students allowed to bring personal mobile devices to school at all?
The use of personal mobile devices by students in grades PK-8 is prohibited. Devices should stay home. At the elementary schools, if families elect to allow their child to carry a personal mobile device for an identified purpose, the device must remain powered off, silenced and stored in the child’s backpack throughout the school day. At MMS, if families elect to allow their child to carry a personal mobile device for an identified purpose, the device must remain powered off, silenced and stored in the locker throughout the school day.
6) What about the bus ride to and from school?
Elementary school students are not to use personal mobile devices during daily busing, unless an approved exemption is in place. The age range of students at the elementary level and our effort to reduce total screen time are additional factors in this decision.
Middle school students may use personal mobile devices on daily transportation (not inclusive of field trips; see below) but are subject to expectations of appropriate behavior with those devices. Any issue with the appropriate use of technology during transportation will be directed to building administrators and consequences in alignment with school handbooks will be applied as necessary.
7) What should a student do if they need to contact their parents during the school day?
If necessary, children may go to the school office and use the phone with the assistance of a school secretary. Changes in after-school care plans or any necessary communication with your child can be handled by contacting your school’s secretary or using the dismissal app provided by the school district.
8) Does my child need a personal mobile device for schoolwork?
No. Students do not need personal mobile devices for instructional purposes during the school day. Students at the elementary and middle schools are provided a device for instructional purposes.
9) Are there any exemptions to the personal mobile device guidelines?
Yes, exemptions exist for personal mobile devices used to monitor a student’s health, such as insulin levels or blood pressure. These must be included in a student medical accommodation plan, requiring notification from a health care provider. Any other exemptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the building principal and family.
10) How will parents be informed in case of an emergency during the school day?
In the unlikely event of an emergency during the school day, parents will receive communication through official channels in the same manner that happens for other unexpected events, such as weather delays.
11) Are personal mobile devices allowed on field trips or during school-sponsored activities?
Personal mobile devices are never required for field trips or school-sponsored activities. The use of personal mobile devices for field trips by Elementary and Middle school students is prohibited. Any device that is not powered off, silenced and stored away will be confiscated; parents will be required to pick up any confiscated personal mobile devices at the end of the field trip or school day. The use of personal mobile devices for certain Middle school field trips may be permitted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the administration and teacher leaders. A decision on the protocol for those trips will be communicated prior to the event and included as information on a permission slip. Expectations for use of those devices, if permitted, will align with appropriate use of district technology resources and related Board policy.
Expectations for use of those devices, if permitted, will align with appropriate use of district technology resources and related Board policy. Staff have the right to collect personal mobile devices if inappropriate use is observed or reported.
12) What if a student needs to contact their parents during a field trip?
Elementary school students will contact the supervising teacher, who will facilitate communication with parents as needed. MMS students will follow the same procedure, even if a personal mobile device is permitted for the trip.
13) Can students use personal mobile devices for taking photos or videos during field trips or school events?
No. Personal mobile devices should not be used for taking photos or videos during field trips unless explicitly permitted by the supervising administrator for educational purposes on out-of-state or overnight trips for middle school students. Supervising staff, who will know which students are not allowed to be photographed in alignment with our current classroom practices, may elect to facilitate image capturing and share as appropriate with families.
14) How will the school handle emergencies during field trips and school-sponsored events?
In case of an emergency, the school will use official communication channels to inform parents. Supervising teachers and destination facilities are prepared to manage such situations effectively.
15) What are the consequences of using a personal mobile device inappropriately during a field trip or school-sponsored event?
If a student is found using a personal mobile device inappropriately or without permission during a field trip, the supervising staff member or administrator will confiscate the device, and it will be returned to a guardian at the conclusion of the event or picked up at the school at a later date. Additional consequences may apply based on the nature of the misuse.
16) What are the personal mobile device guidelines for DHS?
Currently, students at DHS are required to bring their own charged personal device for instructional purposes. Review of current practices pertaining to the Personal Mobile Device Plan at the high school will take place in the fall. Findings and recommendations will come before the Board prior to the winter break.
17) Who do I contact if I have questions?
For further details or specific concerns, please refer to the guidelines provided by Darien Public Schools or contact Tim McGuire (District Coordinator for Instructional Technology at or your school administration.