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6-12 English Department



We, the members of the DPS 6-12 English Department, are dedicated to promoting independent, curious, and critical thinkers who read, write, speak, and listen in a way that demonstrates understanding of and appreciation for a variety of classic and contemporary literature and the power of language. We seek to develop—in all of our students—empathy, intellectual courage, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the world around us.

L O N G - T E R M   T R A N S F E R   G O A L S   f o r   S T U D E N T S

  • Find joy in the beauty of language. 

  • Cultivate a rich inner life and develop personal identity through reading, writing, and reflection.

  • Seek perspectives from diverse cultural, global, and historical contexts in order to develop an informed worldview. 

  • Read and think critically in order to interpret and evaluate layers of meaning in an increasingly complex world. 

  • Write effectively with an understanding of audience and purpose and in an authentic voice.

D E P A R T M E N T   C H A I R

Kristin Colonies serves as the 6-12 English department chair. She can be contacted at or at 203-655-3981 x2203.