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placement & Prerequisite courses


The goal of the placement process is to match students to the course in which they will experience appropriate degrees of challenge. Language acquisition is a mastery of skills, not a mastery of content. When students are appropriately placed, they are guided to reach beyond their current ability levels and attain higher levels of proficiency. We strongly encourage students who have begun languages in the elementary or middle grades, regardless of whether they attended school in Darien or not, to continue their language studies when they enter high school.

It is important to note that leveling in World Languages is fluid. Student may change levels from one year to the next commensurate with proficiency growth, assessment performance, and motivation. Students and their families should give careful consideration to course placement decisions, as they are based on evidence, experience, and made with care based on the best interest of each student.


One year of world language study is required for graduation; however, parents and students should be aware that most colleges and universities expect three to four years of world language study at the high school level in order to be eligible for admission. We suggest that families consult with school counselors and to refer to admissions offices for college entrance requirements.

In addition, the World Languages Department emphasizes that although some colleges do not require a world language for entrance, many require language study during college for graduation. Some colleges waive the graduation requirements if incoming students can demonstrate, through departmental or standardized assessments, that they have achieved college-level proficiency in a world language. Here in Darien, students take the computerized STAMP Assessment (which makes them eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy) and may also sit for the AP exam of the course in which they are enrolled. Students receive a score certificate which they may share at the college level for placement consideration, as both of these assessments become part of their permanent academic testing record.

Our goal is that all students become proficient in the language they choose to study.


A student entering MMS in Grade 6 from elementary school in Darien can: continue studying Spanish 6 or begin studying French 6 or Mandarin 6. 

Students learning languages at MMS continue with the language they choose in 6th grade for three years.

Eighth grade world language teachers will begin to make recommendations for high school language placement in February. These decisions are based on a students' reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as well as their performance and growth in the language. 


A student will be recommended for the next level of language study as follows:

    300 level courses: C or better and teacher's recommendation

    400 level courses: B+ or better and teacher's recommendation

Additionally, students may study more than one language offered at Darien High School.