world language honor societies

The World Language Department sponsors student membership in five internationally-recognized world language honor societies.
Our honor societies recognize our students' academic achievements in the study of French, Latin, Mandarin, Spanish and american sign language. The societies and their members promote an understanding and appreciation of the cultures and peoples that speak those languages, and demonstrate an academic commitment to FURTHER studying those languages.
The Language Honor Societies at Darien High School: French Honor Society, Junior Classical League, Chinese Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and American Sign Language Honor Society (2025-2026), are open to Juniors and Seniors who are invited to apply in September based on their cumulative GPA, language GPA, and application.
After invitation, students are also evaluated on honor, responsibility, citizenship, interest, cooperation, and other criteria. The committee, composed of the Advisor and Executive Board, carefully reviews application materials and eligibility to determine membership.
Students are notified regarding selection or non-selection by the individual society. Following notification, a formal induction ceremony is held at the school to recognize all the newly selected members. Once inducted, new members are required to maintain the same level of performance in all criteria (or better) that led to their selection through graduation. This obligation includes regular attendance at meetings held during the school year and participation in the chapter service projects.
Requirements for Membership: